Product information Dangerous Goods Marine Information System, DGMIS
The DGMIS (Dangerous Goods Marine Information System) is a web based information system for transport and transshipment of hazardous goods.
It allows fast access to the information and transshipment of packed dangerous goods in Containers and transport units according to the IMDG Code. I t is aboard ships, in shipping companies and ports a helpful tool.
DGMIS provides precise information about the substances with UN numbers, Proper Shipping Name, Package Group, Class, additional risks, information about Marine Pollutants and the illustration of the applicable labelling for each individual UN number. The built in search functions enable fast access to all important information.
DGMIS has available numerous, valuable additional information, i.e the specification of synonyms, specification of the CAS number. Synonyms easily help to identify the product by name. The information about properties of the product gives useful information to the emergency and rescue teams and the crews on board of the vessel. Additional information about incompatibilites and specific information about the substance in relation to dangerous reactions provide usefull information in the case of emergency. DGMIS provides a lot of detailed information for a strategy for fire fighting on board of ships. The information of EmS is shown as full text for every single UN number. Furthermore the descriptive data of the hazard diamond and the Dangerous Goods Emergency Action Code can be used, without seeking for this information.
The information about portable tanks with the tank instructions allows to chose an tank in conformity with law. It is also good to know the amounts of Limited and Exempted Quantities per UN Number. Further the information about Stowage and Segregation can be used on board of vessels and ashore as well.
DGMIS grants also access to all important data concerning chemical tankers according the IBC Code.
The information concerning the IBC Code provides the Propper Shipping Name, but includes additionally also a search function for synonyms, the CAS number and the UN number. The UN Numbers have been correlated with the substances of the IBC Code. This allows access to further information in other sources, like for example the IMDG Code. The ship-information assists to select an appropriate vessel and tanktype under consideration of the pollution category. Additional information about for example tankventilation, tankenvironment, tankmeasurement represent additional information for the operation of the chemical tankships.
The emergency information within DGMIS inform about vapour detection, possible risks emergency equipment and information about fire protection according to the IBC Code. To fight successfull against fires on board of chemical tankships DGMIS provides additional information about incompatibility to other chemicals. The information about properties of the product gives useful information to the emergency and rescue teams and the crews on board of the vessel. It also informs about additional data of the hazard diamond and Dangerous Goods Emergency Action Code for fire fighting concerning the substances of the IBC Code.
The presentation of fulltext concerning each individual substance oft he IBC Code enables the user to get at once an comprehensive overview of all applicable conditions.
DGMIS is a websolution, which can be used by its architecture worldwide. It also runs on pda like the iphone. In a first step the user surface and contents will be provided in 2 languages.
DGMIS supports the commitment for information of the ships owners, shipping companies and leading mates of a ship by legal means.